Everybody knows that the manual browser compatibility testing needs so much time to make sure the integrity of the website. But nobody makes the efforts to enhance the system as per the requirements of the users and to fulfil the goals and achieve the objectives of the clients and stakeholders. This is where compatibility testing services play a vital role. Simply browser compatibility testing needs so much attention and time if you are working with the manual browser compatibility techniques. So today we are here with the list of techniques by which you can perform the browser compatibility and device compatibility testing effectively.
1. Use well-established techniques
You have to use the already well-established techniques to get the best results from the testing processes. Sometimes with the change in the requirements and goals of the projects test engineers think about trying the new methods as an experiment. But they are not sure about the success of the methods. To adopt new strategies is a very risky thing when you don’t know about the outcome of the techniques and strategies. The choice of technique is also dependent upon the type of the targeted audience. If your audience is using the old methods of browsing, then you should make the testing technique according to that, and if your targeted audience is of the new generation, you should use the automated testing tools to ensure the performance if the website on the various browsers and various devices.
2. Use of framework
People are debating the benefits and drawbacks of the use of CSS frameworks. But the main motive to use a framework helps to reduce the layout for the browser compatibility testing. All the frameworks have significance in the different applications. This means that every application may or may not need the framework. But it is believed that most of the browsers accept these frameworks but some not. But it helps to enhance the visuals of the website. Also, it helps in the testing process, as well. The key to consider the CSS frameworks in your project you must consider the need and requirements.
3. Use few breakpoints
To achieve a few layout variations, the code should contain few responsive breakpoints. It is the matter of common sense that few breakpoints mean less testing. If you stick to the horizontal media queries and avoid vertical media queries, then you just need to test the application for different screen widths. If we see practically, we will find that bugs will appear at any different viewport size. So, you always need some level of exploratory testing for the flow of the responsive design.
4. Keep the design simple
A good design is that in which the focus remains on the good presentation of the content. This is considered as the clever trick of the designing. A designer should keep the design as simple as they can to decrease the time of testing. In most of the websites with parallax scrolling, the design crashes, and the user will get the bad experience. All the end users wand a simple and consistent designing approach, which makes them easy to access the system and functionality of the website. They must do as little as possible with creativity and simplicity.
5. Limit complex interactions
Complex features always make the testing process complex and also increase the complexity of the user interface. You must simplify the code of the application to decrease the complexities of the user interface. It will also help you to improve the usability of the application and also to simplify the browser compatibility testing. Some user interfaces due to the complexity are harder to test, but when you test the simple functionality interfaces, you will get the best results all the time. Simplification does not mean that you have to decrease the quality of the code. It means that the code should be clear to understand even for beginners.
6. Re-use and reduce components
Your site may have a huge range of components and modules. The practice is common and also with the combination of various modules a web application came to a distance. But for the effective testing result, a developer must use the re-usable modules. This helps them to reduce the number of modules. With less amount of modules, it will be easy to test the application and enhance the user experience.
7. Use a test harness
The test harness is a technique to test large websites. The following is the list of benefits you can get from the use of test harness:-
- Same template source is used in the test harness and live sites.
- The components should always contain relevant content.
- You can easily create and test the component variations.
- All the team members can share and re-use the same modules to test the application every time.
8. Test your style guide
The style guide is considered as an important module of the application. They are one of the building blocks of the design system of the web application. You must test your style guide to ensure that all the style documentation is done in an accurate and proper manner. Make sure you are making good guides to improve your testing process.
9. Use consistent sample content
Browser compatibility bugs arise because of the content variation. When the content of the testing components are typical and contain extreme content values, then it will be difficult to test the application in less time. So, always use consistent content in the application.
10. Browser support policy
Some of the application has browser policies to tell the user a list of various browsers in which the application will run at its fullest. So, all the applications must have this kind of policies.
There are so many things a development team can do to improve the process of browser compatibility. The above-stated suggestions are according to the majority of the applications. In other words, these points are stated by keeping in mind all the applications. You must follow them to perform the browser compatibility test effectively.