With everything virtually being online these days, it’s more important than ever to ensure security. This is especially true for businesses, which can suffer issues like breaches and data loss. You want your precious information to stay safe to ensure that you can continue serving your customers or clients in the best possible way. Here are a few tips on keeping your business secure in 2020.
Importance Of Business Security
As a business owner, you need to keep your business and all its data secure. Not only do you have your own company information stored on your business computers and mobile devices, but you also keep sensitive information from your customers or clients. Your employees’ information is also among the sensitive data stored. It’s absolutely essential to follow all the legal guidelines for keeping this information safe and secure. Too often, even companies that use the most stringent security measures end up with security breaches that expose sensitive, personal or financial information to prying eyes.
What Is Dedicated Server Hosting?
One of the most essential tools for keeping your business’ data secure is dedicated server hosting. This is a type of web hosting that allows a business to have access to a computer server with Internet access directly from a data center outside of your physical location. A dedicated server is maintained by engineers and is leased by businesses instead of purchased. This can help the business owner focus on growing their business so it can thrive. Because there are remote engineers maintaining the dedicated server, business owners don’t have to worry about this important task and have a support person to assist with issues that arise.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Dedicated Server?
There are certain pros and cons of dedicated server hosting that will be more or less relevant to your business depending on the industry, size, and data storage needs. Liquid Web, an expert in hosting solutions, describes a main benefit being that “a dedicated server is completely customizable to your needs. It offers more precise control and configurable options, which allows you to customize the components to meet your specific needs.”
. Scalability:
With a dedicated server, you don’t have to worry about a potential outage. Your data is always available anytime you need it.
. Security:
You can breathe easily in knowing that a dedicated server offers your business security. As a result, you can avoid problems like viruses and other malware.
. Customer support:
Dedicated servers provide you with 24/7 customer support and monitoring.
Generally speaking, there is one major con of a dedicated server. It can be a more costly options, which means that if your business is a startup and you don’t have a lot of cash so early on, you may not be able to afford it.
What Is The Difference Between Cloud Server Hosting And Dedicated Server Hosting?
Considering the huge popularity of cloud servers these days, you may wonder whether it or a dedicated server is a better option for your business. It’s worth knowing the comparisons between these two types of servers so you can make an educated decision that works best for your business:
. Cloud Server:
When you rely on a cloud server for your hosting, you have the opportunity to configure the levels of security, performance and other aspects of the server, which is similar to dedicated servers. Of course, one of the biggest differences is that cloud servers are not hosted on physical hardware that only your business uses. Instead, they are housed in a virtual space that is shared and managed by a cloud hosting provider. Because it’s a shared environment, you only pay for the specific amount of space you use on the server. You can scale up or down and pay more or less depending on your needs and resources.
. Dedicated Server:
A dedicated server is a hardware server that you buy or rent for your business. It’s only used by you, which means you have better peace of mind that your precious data can remain safe at all times. Usually, large businesses use them when they have a high volume of data that requires constant security and is monitored on a 24/7 basis.
Knowing the huge advantages that dedicated server hosting offers your business can help you to progress and rest easily knowing your data is safe and secure.