With the number of content management systems (CMS) increasing and the appeal of intuitive platforms, many wonder if the 20-year-old Drupal can still be considered significant. Drupal remains a solid and viable choice despite its learning curve, as data, analytics, and real-world experience shows.

Drupal boasts unparalleled scalability and customization, making it a preferable option for businesses seeking secure, robust, and highly personalized web solutions.

Common concerns about Drupal being outdated

It’s a common misconception that Drupal is outdated, especially considering how often flashy new platforms are being introduced. Does Drupal still hold its ground? The steep competition isn’t the only source of concern about Drupal’s staying power. Its complexity is another.

With power comes complexity

Compared to WordPress, Wix, and even Joomla, Drupal takes a bit of time to learn. The rest of these solutions make it easy to create and manage a website without a technical background. Anyone can use the plug-and-play interface. So why would you want to deal with Drupal’s often steep learning curve?

Drupal is a more powerful solution, and complexity comes with power. The vast range of functions and features can be overwhelming at times.

It’s important to keep in mind that putting in effort to learn something pays off. Users of Drupal can enjoy unparalleled scalability and customization capabilities. What can seem like a challenge at first is a blessing in disguise, offering improved control over all kinds of projects.

Drupal probably isn’t for you if you’re looking for the bare minimum in terms of SEO, security, scalability, and customization. However, most businesses care about these things. The conclusion that Drupal is here to stay begs itself. Demand for developers of this CMS is likely to grow in the near future.

What’s behind Drupal’s staying power?

Among the main factors behind Drupal’s staying power are affordable hosting, a solid user community, high security, and pronounced customization capabilities.

The best Drupal hosting providers offer daily backups, fast and scalable hosting, and preinstalled Drupal utilities. Quality hosting is available for as little as $10 a month.

A passionate community

Drupal boasts a passionate, global, and vibrant community. It is a collective force that supports seasoned developers as well as novices, consistently refining the platform. Drupal has staying power because of its dedicated contributors, which make sure the system remains secure, updated, and innovative.

A dedicated security team

Drupal is committed to security with a vigilant team that is always alert and takes care to address vulnerabilities quickly. It has a track record of making solid security solutions available.

Enterprise-grade functionality

Last but not least, its ability to cater to enterprise needs is virtually unparalleled. It handles complexities with ease whether the workflow is multilingual, multisite, or involves a high content volume.

Drupal use cases

Drupal use cases extend to government websites, educational institutions, publishing, media, eCommerce platforms, and even corporate websites like Tesla’s. NASA and the White House trust Drupal for its scalability and robust security.

Universities and colleges across the globe rely on the CMS’s multiuser capabilities, enabling departments to independently maintain their segments while remaining under a joint brand.

News outlets like NBC Sports and magazines avail themselves of the content-first approach, ensuring seamless syndication and content publishing.

Finally, Drupal’s commercial module provides businesses with a powerful solution characterized by a blend of commerce and content. Companies of all sizes can take advantage.

Commitment to innovation

Recent developments like the Headless CMS and Layout Builder reflect the system’s commitment to innovation. Drupal offers budding web developers or people who want to enrich their skills many promising opportunities through its Debug Academy, which provides educational content curated by industry experts. Drupal remains a novel and thriving CMS platform that supports learners.

Final thoughts

Drupal remains relevant in 2024 if you need a robust publishing platform. While creating a full-scale monolith website with this system isn’t the best option, you can definitely use it as a headless CMS to deliver content to a native or front-end web app such as Svelte, Vue, or React.

Drupal has significant advantages over analogical CMS frameworks like simple administration, translations, and views. A huge library of translations is at the user’s disposal. Views are the most complicated part of Drupal, but once you master them, you can transform content any way you want.

Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.