Discover the secrets of the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest! This comprehensive guide will lead you on a journey through God of War Ragnarok, revealing the steps to unlock the treasures hidden within the Cliffside Ruins. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the world of God of War, we’ve got you covered.

    Introduction to Cliffside Ruins

    In the thrilling world of God of War Ragnarok, Cliffside Ruins is a fascinating location filled with secrets, mysteries, and rewards waiting to be discovered. The most notable of these is the Legendary Chest, a treasure trove that rewards players with unique abilities and items.

    Locating the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest

    The Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest is not immediately visible to players. It’s hidden in a cavernous area, obscured by the landscape and water body. The chest’s location is on the other side of the water, making it a bit of a challenge to reach. However, with the right strategy, you can get to it and claim the rewards.

    Strategies to Reach the Chest

    Unlocking the Legendary Chest in Cliffside Ruins is not a straightforward task. Here are some strategies that players have found effective:

    • Explosive Axe Throw: Charging your axe until it explodes can reach the chest from the other side of the water. An even more effective method is to use the Frost Awaken throw, allowing you to access the chest from the side of the river the shop is on. This requires precise aim and timing.
    • Hidden Pot Strategy: Another pot is hidden in the gold ore underneath the platform. From the platform to the left, throw your axe offscreen towards the cliff. This will reveal the hidden pot and give you access to the chest.

    Overcoming Challenges

    Reaching the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest can be a challenge, especially for newer players. The strategies above can help, but there are additional factors to consider. Timing is crucial when throwing the axe, as is understanding the terrain and potential obstacles.

    To overcome these challenges, practice your axe throwing skills, study the Cliffside Ruins environment, and keep an eye out for hidden pathways and items. With patience and perseverance, you’ll be able to unlock the Legendary Chest.


    Claiming the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest in God of War Ragnarok is an exciting and rewarding challenge. This comprehensive guide has provided you with strategies and tips to locate and reach the chest. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the world of God of War, we hope this guide aids you in your quest. Remember, patience and practice are key. Happy treasure hunting!


    What is the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest?

    The Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest is a special treasure in God of War Ragnarok, hidden within the Cliffside Ruins. It contains unique items and abilities that enhance gameplay.

    Where is the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest located?

    The chest is located on the other side of the water in the Cliffside Ruins. It’s obscured by the terrain and is not immediately visible to players.

    How can I reach the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest?

    You can reach the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest by using specific strategies, such as the Explosive Axe Throw and the Hidden Pot Strategy. Both require precise aim and timing.

    What are the challenges in reaching the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest?

    The challenges in reaching the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest include mastering axe-throwing skills, understanding the Cliffside Ruins environment, and discovering hidden paths and items.

    Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.