Head Basketball is a free online basketball game where you control the head of a basketball player and try to score points by getting the ball into the hoop. The game is simple to play, but it can be challenging to master. You can play Head Basketball on your computer or mobile device.

Head Basketball

How Can You Play Head Basketball At School/Work?

Playing “Head Basketball” at school or work can be tricky due to network restrictions and policies that may prohibit gaming. However, if you have permission to use your device for recreational purposes, you can try the following ways

Top 3 Ways To Access Head Basketball?

  1. Use a proxy server: A proxy server is a server that acts as a middleman between your computer and the internet. When you use a proxy server, your computer’s IP address is hidden, allowing you to bypass school or work firewalls.
  2. Use a cloud gaming service:  A cloud gaming service allows you to stream games from a remote server to your computer or mobile device. This means that you don’t need to install any software on your device to play Head Basketball.
  3. Use Chrome: Google Chrome has a built-in feature that allows you to play Head Basketball in incognito mode. This mode hides your browsing history and cookies, which can help you bypass school or work firewalls.

Ways To Access Head Basketball

Head Basketball- Gaming Guide

Head Basketball is a simple game to play, but there are a few tips that can help you improve your skills.

  • Use the proper controls:  The rules for Head Basketball are simple. You use the left mouse button to move your player and the right mouse button to shoot the ball.
  • Keep your head up: It’s essential to keep your head up and look around the court to see where the ball and other players are.
  • Be patient: Head Basketball can be frustrating, but it’s essential to be patient and keep trying. With practice, you’ll eventually get better at the game.

Best Features Of Head Basketball

  • Simple to play: Head Basketball is a straightforward game to play. You can pick it up and start playing in minutes.
  • It is challenging to master: Head Basketball can be challenging but enriching. With practice, you’ll eventually be able to pull off some fantastic shots and dunks.
  • Free to play: Head Basketball is entirely free to play. You don’t need to pay anything to download or play the game.

Best Features Of Head Basketball

Popular Games Like Head Basketball

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Head Basketball is a fun and challenging online basketball game. It’s simple to play, but it can be challenging to master. With practice, you’ll eventually be able to pull off some fantastic shots and dunks.


Is Head Basketball Safe and Legal?

Yes, Head Basketball is safe and legal to play. The game is free to play and does not require any personal information.

What is the best VPN for Head Basketball?

There are many different VPNs that you can use to play Head Basketball. Some of the best VPNs for Head Basketball include NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and CyberGhost.

How to play Head Basketball on a school Chromebook?

You can play Head Basketball on a school Chromebook using a proxy server. A proxy server is a server that acts as a middleman between your computer and the internet. When you use a proxy server, your computer’s IP address is hidden, allowing you to bypass school firewalls.

Can I play Head Basketball offline?

No, you cannot play Head Basketball offline. The game requires an internet connection to play.

Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.