In the competitive world of business, effective marketing plays a crucial role in giving an edge to your business. But the question is, as everyone is using marketing to target users, then how can one stand apart to beat the competition?

The answer is simple, just be unique.

In other words you need to use a strategy of aiming and hitting.

Now you must be thinking what this strategy is all about?

Well let us explain it to you through 3 best push notification strategies for marketing [2020] to give you a better idea.

You must have probably heard about the terms WordPress push notifications or WooCommerce push notifications. Don’t you?

If not, no worries. Push notifications are the delivery of content or information like text, media or all of them at a single time to your user’s device.  They basically pop up on your user’s devices screen. Initially, a one-time permission is required to allow receiving notifications from the user end. The process of sending notifications is then carried out without any specific request from the user. This means you can send these notifications to your users devices whenever you want.

Now let us continue with these 3 strategies:

1. Violate Expectations:

If you are only using your platform for selling your product and services on fixed prices then with time your audience will lose interest. To increase traffic to your platform you just need to violate the expectations of your customers. For this, you can offer discounts on your products and services. You can also go for giveaways in which a holiday package or some gift can be offered to a lucky customer. You can put a reverse clock for the same with a limited-time deal.

This will not only help you to target your existing users but will add new users to your platform, who would like to take advantage of this deal.

Now to inform about this deal to your existing and new users which strategy can work better in terms of time and effectiveness? Obviously push notifications are the ones that can take you to every corner of the world within no time.

And what will happen when they are sent timely? According to research by “marketing land” it is stated that push notifications sent between 10 am to 1 pm receive a maximum of 15% clicking rate and the one that is sent between 1 am to 6 am receives a minimum of 5% clicking rate.

2. Personalization:

One of the important factors that can greatly impact sales is personalization. As every person has a different choice and likings that can vary with culture, country, age, gender and so on. So here are some factors to consider in personalization.

  • Segmentation of customers: A key factor to consider when dealing with a variety of customers is the process of segmentation. By tracking the purchase history of customers they can be easily segmented in terms of interest and later on the same data can be used accordingly for sending push notifications.
  • Demographics: As a gender, age, location, and interests vary from person to person. So this data can be used effectively for sending more personalized push notifications.
  • Geo-fencing: An effective way to send alerts to users that are present in a particular location or that exists within a particular radius of a fixed point on a map. This can help you to target an audience that has almost the same requirements. It can increase your sales and user loyalty.

3. Rich Notifications:

The best way to attract more users to your platform is to provide them an eye-catching and unique experience. This can be done through a rich push notifications technique. Rich push notifications are a combination of text, images, audio, video, emojis, GIFs and more.

These notifications are not only useful in conveying your message efficiently but also help in engaging a user for a long period of time. This will further increase the chances of sales. As more time the user spends on your platform more are the chances that the user may find a specific product or service impressive. This will create an urge in users to close the deal right on a spot.

According to the ”business of apps” rich push notifications can help you with an opening rate of 56%, then why not use them for marketing?


Push notifications are the future of digital marketing. These are capable of giving your business a new height in terms of sales. But these can only be effective when used with proper strategy. Some of the top strategies are here in this article that will certainly work for you.

Author Bio: 

WonderPush is a platform that can give a boost to your marketing campaign through WordPress-WooCommerce push notification services. It will help you with building a platform where business means,  profit from sales throughout the world.


Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.