Have you used USphonebook but didn’t have much success?

Like other directories, the details here might be old. Thankfully, there are many other options that help you find phone numbers and addresses for people or businesses more accurately.


31 USphonebook Alternatives In 2024[ Free Online Directory]



This tool is designed to find both cell numbers and landlines. Its key strength is its accuracy, with hundreds of millions of phone numbers in its database.

Simply enter the number you want to search for, and it will provide results like the name, location, approximate age, and other details.

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NumLookup is a free phone number search tool that gives precise results and allows you to search landlines, cell phones, or VOIP numbers. It also lets you create reports with helpful background information, like property ownership, address history, and associated emails.

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This lookup service is effective for both mobile and landline numbers. It can be used for personal or business purposes. The results are fast and detailed, including a map of the area code along with other information about the individual.

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This lookup service lets you enter phone numbers and returns various useful details, like geographical location and address history. It also offers insights into whether the number has been used by telemarketers.

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This web service is the most comprehensive and likely the priciest alternative to USphonebook. It features a vast database with millions of phone numbers, searching for relevant information in real time.

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Instant Checkmate

As the name implies, Instant Checkmate allows you to look up individuals of interest almost instantaneously. Its results are comprehensive and contain such information as date of birth, criminal records and bankruptcies.

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This service provides a wide array of personal profiling options when one is looking for people or businesses by name or reverse phone lookup from both landlines & cellphones. It also offers an efficient way to verify whether an email address is legitimate.

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This lookup service doubles up as a search engine with the capability to look through millions of public records in order to find information about someone or some business. It searches very quickly and returns all kinds of useful data such as criminal records, background checks, addresses etc.

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Intelius provides access to people’s search information, public records and a background check system as well. It’s particularly helpful in cases when one is trying to trace down family members or lost friends.

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This directory service shares similarities with several other services featured here, but the main difference between them lies in the level of accuracy, so it’s worth checking out. It also offers premium services in both criminal checks and people search options.

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This is another comprehensive directory that searches billions of records from public sources as well as official such as voter registration, property titles & magazine subscriptions, amongst other places where data appears often.

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Spokeo offers a variety of features for conducting detailed people searches and background checks. These include reverse phone numbers search, address lookups, social network profiles & website activity.

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Whitepages are well known as one of the most reliable ways to trace someone online or by name. It has an extensive list of records that it uses when looking up information on individuals, such as addresses, phone numbers and personal biographies.

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AnyWho is a comprehensive directory service with details on businesses as well as people. It offers options to search via name or by reverse look-up of both phone numbers & emails, amongst other features.

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This particular service provides rather detailed looks at individuals or businesses. It works quickly & gives a mixture of both free and paid services, which it uses to access exclusive records from its database.

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Radaris is similar to several of the other directory services in terms of features but excels when it comes to lookup accuracy, with an added bonus being that they include information on the business, court cases, as well as addresses & home ownership.

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This is a simple directory lookup service designed for ease of use and fast results. It offers basic details such as background searches, property records & address lookups, amongst other information, which can be searched from anywhere at any time.

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SearchBug provides an extensive network of directories & search engines that it uses as sources for valid information. Their lookup speed is quick and accurate and provides access to records such as criminal history and marital status, among others.

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Check Them allows you to perform online lookups based on certain criteria, including phone numbers or a person’s name. In addition to this, they offer premium services with additional details such as education mapping, amongst other features.

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This directory service helps public records accessible with information such as people’s search, criminal history & property data, amongst other details, which can be found by name or a reverse phone number lookup.

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Infotracer serves as a comprehensive tool that not only compiles records but also arranges them in an easy to read & use format with detailed data on people and businesses, such as phone numbers, marital statuses & much more.

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This particular service offered by PeopleSmart allows you to find friends, neighbors or strangers anywhere through a combination of billions of records from different venues, including social media sites.

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For those seeking accurate information on lost friends or classmates, truth finder is the best option available with its quick & reliable search options powered by a large network of data sources.

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People Search Now lets you quickly search records to find a match by entering phone numbers or addresses. The results include criminal records, social media profiles, and more.

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This site enables you to perform either quick search of just about anyone with details such as name, age, address and much more. The service also provides other features, including the ability to conduct detailed background checks on individuals.

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People Search Global is an extensive directory with millions of records and a variety of advanced features such as reverse phone number lookup, address verification & criminal history search, amongst other options.

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This service covers multiple venues for obtaining detailed information on any given subject, including phone numbers, addresses, court records & much more. It ensures all its data is accurate as well as timely.

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People Lookup Directory provides a way to trace someone or something by providing access to an extensive database with billions of public source records, including contact details, address history, and other vital information.

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This service is also known as Reverse Phone Lookup and makes it easy to discover someone’s identity simply by entering a phone number, with the ability to filter out any unwanted numbers.

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Finder Mind offers two services for those seeking specific information online. The first one deals with name-based lookups & the second provides access to their detailed directory of businesses & companies in order to list contact information.

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What is usphonebook?

UsPhoneBook is a directory that provides access to millions of public records and unlisted phone numbers, including cell phones. It can be used for background checks as well as reverse lookup services from landlines and cell phones.

Usphonebook Not Working In 2024?

There are several reasons why USphonebook might not work in certain locations, such as missing data records. In such cases, it’s a good idea to try some of the alternatives mentioned above.


Q: How does usPhoneBook compare to other directory lookup services?

USPhoneBook is one of the most comprehensive directory lookup services, with millions of public records as well as unlisted phone numbers. It also has an easy-to-use interface which makes it simple to track down people and businesses.

Q: What type of data can I find on usphonebook?

UsPhoneBook provides access to public records, unlisted cellphone numbers, address histories, criminal records, and much more.

Q: How can I determine if the data provided by usphonebook is accurate?

Us PhoneBook takes great measures in making sure its information is up-to-date and reliable. It uses multiple sources of verification as well as cross references from other services.

Q: Is there a cost associated with searching for a particular record on usPhoneBook?

Usphonebook offers a subscription-based service that provides unfettered access to its resources. However, the basic lookup services are free and provide enough detail to satisfy most users’ needs.

Jeremy has spent over a decade working in the tech sector. He has been involved in building mobile apps, web apps, and websites, as well as providing services in SEO and PPC advertising. Jeremy’s breadth of experience has put him in a position to help small businesses and large companies alike.