You may spend hours posting on social media sites, but you may also wonder if you are spending that time wisely. Just like with all other goals set by your company, you must use analytics to measure your success. Then, you can know what you need to tweak so that you are spending your time more wisely.
Create Brand Awareness
The purpose behind your social media advertising may be to build brand awareness. If that is the case, then you need to be using a tool, like NetBase, to perform social listening in real-time. You should know the number of times that your company is being mentioned in organic conversations, the number of people who follow each person who mentions your brand, and the number of people who comment on each of your social media posts. While you should keep track of this for your company, you should also keep track of the figure compared to your competitors to see if your share of the market is growing. Social media analytics tools can also be useful in identifying segments of your target audience that you may be unaware of so that you can do a better job of personalizing some of your content to them. You should also be measuring the number of times that your content is being reshared.
Boost Brand Engagement
Once your target audience is aware that your brand exists, then your social media content must encourage them to engage with your company further. You may want to consider comparing several different strategies using a social media analytics tool, like NetBase, to see which one delivers the best results for you. In order to drive brand engagement, you may want to open discussions about relevant industry topics, or you might want to offer contests for liking and sharing your page. Whatever method that you choose, it is vital that you measure the number of people who are coming to your website through your social media posts, how many times people are sharing your content, and measuring the type of content that has the highest engagement rate.
Build A Community
Another goal that you might consider setting is to build a community that actively supports your company. You can do this by encouraging customers to share photos of themselves using your products or having a community vote on something related to your company. In some cases, it works well to have customers create artwork related to your brand. As with the other two company goals, you need to use a social media analytics tool, like NetBase, to make sure that you are succeeding in meeting your goals. Your tool must be able to analyze visual content, or you are losing a large share of data about what people are saying and thinking about your company.
While companies can set many different goals, you must use social media analytics and social media monitoring to measure and check in if you are meeting those goals. NetBase is uniquely positioned to assist you in collecting the data that you need to know if your social media is helping or hurting your company’s efforts.