The Internet is home to over 400 billion websites. Most business owners and entrepreneurs understand just how important a great looking and informative website is. Getting a functional and reliable website will require a business owner to hire experienced web developers. Without this type of professional help, it is only a matter of time before a website crashes.

    If you are a web developer, the main thing you have to figure out when developing a website from scratch is which programming language and framework you want to use. For years, developers have relied on the Python programming language to bring their creations to life. The Django framework is a Python-infused template designed to make the development process easy and clean.

    When developing a website with Django, your main concern needs to be top-notch performance. This is only possible when using tools to improve caching, load balancing and media streaming capabilities. Using the open-source software known as NGINX is a great way to make your websites more functional and faster. Here are some of the things you need to consider when using NGINX with Django.

    NGINX Makes Load Balancing Easier

    Before you start developing a new website or web-based app, you need to find out more about the main goals a client has for this creation. If the client wants to ensure the website or application in question can grow with them, then using the load balancing features of NGINX is a must. In order to take advantage of this load balancing, you will need to deploy NGINX as a reverse proxy server.

    Once this reverse proxy server is deployed, you will need to run a number of application servers in parallel. The traffic and load created when these servers are linked together can be handled by the NGINX or NGINX Plus program. When utilized correctly, NGINX will provide you with the ability to make a website scalable. This means your client can increase uptime and reliability when bombarded with an influx of new traffic.

    The Ability To Handle Higher Amounts Of Traffic

    In the beginning, the developers of NGINX were concerned with creating open-source software that allowed them to support websites or applications with 10,000 or more connections. The biggest misconception new developers have regarding NGINX is that the website or apps created with it need to generate a certain amount of traffic in order for it to function properly.

    In reality, NGINX is designed to work as well with 10 users as it is with 10,000. Not only will NGINX make your website more reliable, it also provides developers with the ability to perform micro caching on their files. In order to keep a website built with the help of NGINX functional, developers will need to keep a close eye on their NGINX error logs. Using a NGINX log analyzer will allow you to find and fix problems in no time.

    The Power Of A Reverse Proxy Server

    Every time a visitor to a website or app submits a request, the server powering this digital creation has to respond. The more requests a website or app receives, the slower it will inevitably become. Using NGINX as a reverse proxy server can reduce the strain put on a digital creation when countless requests are submitted.

    This reverse proxy server will act as a buffer between users and the actual server. Not only will this help to speed up the website, it will also provide users with a glitch-free experience.

    Using The Tools At Your Disposal

    As a web developer, your goal should be providing top-notch digital products to your clients. The only way to do this is by using tools like NGINX.

    Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.