Nowadays, lots of big brands now utilize videos in their internet marketing campaigns. Video is easier to consume as it requires lesser attention that a long article. If your video is entertaining, you will be able to use it to increase conversions on your product. The following are 6 tips on how to incorporate video into your internet marketing campaign.
Post Short Video Story Clips on Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories is one of the newest features on Instagram that let you post short stories clip to promote anything you want. The best videos are short like 15 seconds and in vertical 9:16 portrait format. The video can be anything, like some funny actions you are doing to get people’s attention. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a story. If you want to put text, make sure it does not overlap with the video interface. The video should be fresh as it will only be on Instagram Stories for 24 hours.
Set Up a Dedicated Channel on YouTube
If you create lots of videos, you should have a dedicated video channel on YouTube. Each video should be optimized so that other people can easily find them. Always give your video a good title/ description and try to incorporate primary keywords in them. Someone may search for a keyword that is in your title and description and found your video. Once you have posted your video, go to other related videos and comment on them. When people read your comment, they may also visit your profile and view the videos that you’ve posted.
Add Value to Every Video You Create
It is important to always add value to the social media video. Adding value to video doesn’t necessarily mean you have to provide information and tips. It can be anything that makes your audience feel your video is valuable, for example, make people laugh when they watch your video. At the same time, the video also must be relevant to your brand.
Buy a Video Post on the Influencer’s Account
You can also purchase a video post on an influencer’s social media account. There are various types of influencer video content such as how to, recommendations, and product tour. If you have a small budget, you can work with a micro influencer first. To look for influencers, simply perform a search on YouTube or use a data-driven influencer platform like Reelio. You can click on the username to go to the about page and find out about the contact details if you want to advertise with them.
Monitor and Track the Progress of Your Videos
You will need to do a lot of testing to find out which social media video work. It requires ongoing A/B testing in the marketing campaign. In the beginning, you can make a few short videos with each lasting at least 15 seconds to 1 minute. There are various types of videos you can test such as soundless videos/videos with narration, videos with/without background music, and tips & tricks videos/funny videos. The most important thing is that you learn from the results of your video and apply them to the future videos you make. You might want to share the success of each video with the audience and watch their reactions. Sometimes, sharing video success can increase engagement and help you to get more subscribers.
Don’t Put Too Much Emphasis on Polishing Your Video
You don’t have to polish your videos like cinematic quality. People don’t put that high expectation on social media video. All you need click here to do is to use a basic video editor to do a bit of editing like trim unnecessary clips, add filters, add text, and etc. The last step is to compress your video. Small video tends to load faster without any buffering problem. The most popular compressed video format is MP4. With VC Online, you can batch convert your videos into MP4.